"There have been multiple points in my life where I felt like I finally knew exactly who I was only to come to the realization that I was not quite right. I definitely know my core values, I know the kind of people that I like to surround myself with and I know what I like and what I don’t like from food to clothes to men. However, I feel like fully knowing yourself is a process. I know myself better now than I did last year or the year before or even 10 years before that. I’ve dealt with situations that I previously thought would have broken me and I’m still here. It’s at the zenith of highs and at the nadir of lows that I’ve had those “aha” moments in discovering me and, despite whatever circumstance, they’re amazing.
I remember having a major “aha” when a relationship ended a couple of years ago and I asked myself the question, “what is it that you want exactly?” I really wanted to be mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy; I wanted basic things and I wasn’t close to accomplishing them at all. I started working on those things. I joined a run club and started yoga, I found a church that I loved, I worked on some family stuff and called friends to apologize for not letting them into my life in the same way that they had let me into theirs. I came to realize that I’m a really simple person at my bottom line, but that it is up to me to ensure that I have certain needs met in my life. That was a time in my journey where I got to know myself so much better and I am thankful for it. I love knowing what I already know about myself and I look forward to many more years of self-discovery. Knowledge of self is sexy and getting there is a hell of an interesting ride!"